Fast websites are good for SEO, user experience, and conversions. And you probably know Google counts website loading speed as a parameter in Search Engine Optimization and as a ranking factor. Making your website load faster is one of the best things you can do to improve its overall performance. Our primary objective is to impress your site’s users and leave them with the perception that they’ve just visited the fastest website they’ve ever seen.

Page Speed Optimization is a feature that reduces website loading times by automatically optimizing web pages and the resources within them


Decrease The Load Time

Your website will load much faster helping in
better user engagement.


Maximum Speed

Your overall website speed will get increased
to its maximum possible level.



Solving all related possible errors that might
cause your website to render at a slower rate.

We perform the following actions to enhance your WordPress Website Speed and Google Page Speed Grades for SEO Signals.

  • Core WordPress Optimization.
  • Removal of Query Strings
  • Enabling Website Page Caching.
  • Enabling Keep-Alive & Vary PHP headers.
  • Enabling Browser Caching.
  • Fixing Bad Requests.
  • Enabling GZip Compression.
  • Configuring ETags
  • HTML, CSS & JS Minification.
  • Minimizing number of total requests.
  • JS, CSS Manual Combining. (May not work on all sites)
  • Database and Object Caching. (Only on VPS & Dedicated Servers)
  • Defer Parsing of Possible JavaScript Files
  • Optimizing .htaccess or nginx.conf file
  • Image Optimization, Scaling & Resizing using Kraken.io
  • Setting up a Content Delivery Network. (Optional)

Please share your website URL and get free evaluation report about pagespeed of your website.

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